New PACS probe site

Welcome to the PACSprobe software blog – a blog about probing physical access control cards via desktop card readers. I will publish notes about new releases, interesting features and many other things with regard to physical access control cards commonly used to access buildings and spaces. I am sure many of you are already familiar with physical access control cards a/k/a prox cards or fobs. They are widely used used  to get access buildings secured with physical access control systems (PACS). PACSprobe checks such access cards electronically, using commercial desktop readers in the 125KHz (prox) or 13.56MHz range. So far we have integrated HID OMNIKEY 5025, 5125, 5325, 5326, and 5427 readers. I’ll write about details down the road. You might also check our website at for software development services or check out, a site offering the libraries used to develop PACSprobe.